Donations and contributions are an important source of funding for many non-profit organizations, supplementing what the organization does to fund and sustain the fiduciary responsibility of the organization. AGC, the President, and its Board of Directors are grateful for the donations and contributions it receives in keeping with the Club’s mission.
Memorial Donations can also be made to the Club.
We appreciate and extend sincere thanks for donations made in memory of a loved one. Memorial donations received are appropriated to the Club’s operations. Based on its appropriateness, the Board can, at its discretion, allocate the donation to be used for specific and/or special gardening projects.
Club’s funding sources include:
- Annual Membership Fees
- Annual Fundraising Events (various)
- Avalon Borough in-kind services and support (defraying outlying costs of gardening, through landscaping and cleaning of the islands, parks and gardens, use of a greenhouse and shed, donating a pickup truck to water, and transport the plants throughout Avalon).
AGC is a registered 501 © (3) non-profit charitable corporation. Donations/contributions has been determined by the IRS to be tax exempt under Section 501© (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and a portion of the contribution may be tax deductible on the donor’s Federal Income tax return to the extent allowed by law.
AGC Donations
Avalon, NJ 08202
Become a “Member” of the AGC and help beautify Avalon.

Remembering Lynn Covington
Long time Member, Marilyn Kathleen Diana Covington passed away November 9, 2023. Fondly known as “Lynn”, she was married to Charles (Chuck) Covington, and lived in Avalon for thirty-seven years. She was involved in numerous organizations in Avalon, and was an active member of the Avalon Garden Club. Lynn worked on many Club committees and was President (1992 -1994). She was instrumental in spearheading many of the Club’s beautification projects, and helped coordinate the Annual Flower Show. Lynn also worked diligently alongside her husband in numerous philanthropic endeavors including the Helen L. Diller Vacation Home for Blind Children and the Avalon Lions Club.